Drawing a Tree of Your Life

How To Do It
- Supplies: Paper and any drawing supplies you have (pen, pencils, markers, crayons, paints).
- Draw a tree of your life: Roots are the most important things in your life. Branches are your milestones. Leaves are specific stories or memories (write key words).
- Share your work.
- What are the roots of your tree?
- What is your favorite thing on your tree? Why?
- What is the most important thing you put on your tree?
- How is your tree similar and different from your partner’s tree?
- Are there any elements of Myaamia culture on your tree? Why or why not?
- What do you hope to add to your “tree” in the future?
- Imagine your parents made a tree. How would that tree differ from yours?
- Would you enjoy planting trees and gardening?