The Elephants, the People, and the Can

How To Do It
- Together, use your imaginations to create an original story based on this picture.
- Write down your ideas in response to the questions below.
- Give the story a title and read aloud with emotions the story you just created.
- The last question asks you to connect the picture to your own stories.
- What is going on in this image?
- What is the mood of this picture? How would you describe it in just a few words?
- Where do you think the figures that are lined up are going?
- What do you think the elephants would say to one another? What would the elephants say to the people who lined up?
- There is a third elephant that is outside the picture and only his striped trunk is visible. At the end of his trunk, he is holding a red can. What do you think is in that red can?
- What do you think will happen next?
- Do you think it’s true that an elephant never forgets? What is one memory that you hope you’ll never forget?